God’s Abundance “The Old General Store” Turning onto the road to our house, we have the most welcome nostalgia of days gone by. It is like turning the clock back in time and drivin...Read More
Shine – A Hiding Place I have found in Him a hiding place. This past week, I was mulling across some of my daughter, Shiloh’s audio stories from her car. She had stacks in plas...Read More
Shine – A Mother’s Love A woman was found after the tsunami in Japan that stopped the reporters dead in their tracks. While searching for bodies that could be pulled out of the rubbish a...Read More
Why Stars and Kites? My Life On Hold It was another freezing north eastern winter. What was I, a southern girl, doing in Milford, Delaware anyway? These questions flooded my mind as I desperate...Read More
Living the best life is one that is filled with purpose. Sometimes parents ask, “How do you keep in touch with the main purpose, when just the mundane leaves you depleted and running on empty?” Ev...Read More