June 6,2017
Today’s Shine….. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. (Pro, 3: 5)
(continued from Pebbles and Sand story)
Early in the morning, even before the first ray of sun light, Young Pablo and Elder Madrio embarked on their journey across the endless desert. The days and nights of traveling the sand dunes seemed to go well at first. They were successful in fighting off a huge lion, and a vehement serpent that arose out of the sandy trails of the desert. But well into the middle of their journey, they encountered a wind storm in the midst of the sand dunes. Vehemently the wind blew, until the sand beat into their face like sand paper. Shielding their face and eyes, they wore their turbine unfolded, and sometimes this blinded their vision to all around. Would Pablo trust his friend and follow close to his side during this blinding storm?
The word “trust” is our focus today. Trust is defined, to have confidence, faith, or belief. As we face our own journey of life, we shall have the opportunity to learn more about trusting our friend, Jesus. What a comfort to know that we have a friend whom is with us, whom our heart can fully trust. One whose words were, “ I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Not only is He our friend, He is our father, and our Savior. Sometimes illness and other hardships could blind our future and paralyze our faith, unless we remember we don’t need to be afraid. Instead, we must remember our friend is also, our good shepherd. David’s lesson of trust in the Lord on a lonely hillside, could have been the catalyst elevating him for the throne room. When the storm is on, let’s not be blinded with fear and think our life’s opportunity is over. With the sheep on the hillside, David fought the lion and bear, and this is no doubt where he learned about trusting, for he penned these beautiful words,
The Lord is my Shepherd…. I shall not want.
So, today, when the wind blows, and the howling wolves try to blind us with fear, let us arise with faith in our heart and trust the good Shepherd. He has already gone ahead of us, and knows the steps we need to take today.
“ Let us trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding.”
Dear Jesus,
As we go into our journey today, we want to just thank you again for being our constant friend. Help us, Oh Father, not to lean to our own understanding, but give us strength to trust your unseen hand. When the blinding forces of darkness tries to overpower our mind, let us truly trust you; our confidence, our security, our shield, our guide, and our hope of salvation.